Your Guide to the UK State Pension: Accessing Details Online, Statements, and Contributions

If you’re getting closer to retirement age, you might be curious about the UK State Pension and how to access your pension details. In this blog post, we’ll break down the UK State Pension for you, including how to get your pension statement, how much it will increase in 2023, and more.


First things first, you can access your UK State Pension details online through the government’s official website. Just create a personal account and provide some personal information to verify your identity, and voila! You’ll be able to access your pension details, including your pension forecast, which will give you an estimate of how much you can expect to receive when you retire.


If you can’t access your pension details online, don’t fret! You can request a State Pension statement by mail. Just fill out a form called BR19, which you can find on the government’s website. Once you’ve completed the form, send it to the address provided, and you should receive your statement within 2-3 weeks.


Now, onto the important question of how much the UK State Pension will increase in 2023. The UK State Pension usually increases every year in April, based on the highest of three measures: the rate of inflation, average earnings growth, or 2.5%. In 2023, the State Pension is set to increase by the highest of these measures, which is currently projected to be average earnings growth. Although the exact amount of the increase hasn’t been announced yet, it’s expected to be around 4%.


The new State Pension, which is a flat-rate pension introduced in April 2016, is projected to be £184.18 per week in April 2023. However, the exact amount you’ll receive will depend on your National Insurance contributions and other factors, such as whether you were contracted out of the additional State Pension.


For those wondering what the full State Pension will be in 2023, it’s projected to be £235.67 per week. However, you’ll need at least 35 years of full contributions to be eligible for the full State Pension. If you have fewer than 35 years of contributions, you’ll receive a proportionally lower amount. But don’t worry – you can still increase your State Pension by making voluntary National Insurance contributions or by receiving credits for caring for a child or a sick or disabled person.


Lastly, if you’re a pensioner, you will indeed have to pay council tax. However, if you’re on a low income, you may be eligible for a council tax reduction. The amount of the reduction will depend on your income and other factors, such as whether you live alone or with a partner.


We hope this summary of the UK State Pension has been helpful! If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to a financial advisor or the government’s Pension Service.



Q: Can I access my UK State Pension details online?

A: Yes, you can access your UK State Pension details online through the government’s official website. Just create a personal account and provide some personal information to verify your identity.

Q: How do I get a UK State Pension statement?

A: You can request a UK State Pension statement by mail. Just fill out a form called BR19, which you can find on the government’s website. Once you’ve completed the form, send it to the address provided, and you should receive your statement within 2-3 weeks.

Q: How much will the UK State Pension increase in 2023?

A: The UK State Pension is set to increase by the highest of three measures: the rate of inflation, average earnings growth, or 2.5%. In 2023, it’s projected to increase by around 4% based on average earnings growth.

Q: What will the new State Pension be in April 2023?

A: The new State Pension, which is a flat-rate pension introduced in April 2016, is projected to be £184.18 per week in April 2023.

Q: What will the full state pension be in 2023?

A: The full State Pension is projected to be £235.67 per week in April 2023.

Q: Do pensioners pay council tax?

A: Yes, pensioners do have to pay council tax. However, if you’re on a low income, you may be eligible for a council tax reduction.

Q: How many years of full contributions do you need to get a full State Pension?

A: You’ll need at least 35 years of full contributions to be eligible for the full State Pension. If you have fewer than 35 years of contributions, you’ll receive a proportionally lower amount.


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